Postpartum Doula Support
Keeping logs of your babies pee and bowel movements
Chart feedings throughout the night
Report a quick recap to parents before leaving
Burping and changing baby (for both breastfed and bottle fed babies)
Swaddle and soothe your baby throughout the night
Breastfeeding assistance / guidance
Giving your baby their bath or a sponge bath
Washing and sterilizing bottles
Post circumcision care
Washing and sterilizing breast pump and accessories
newborn care
Keeping logs of your babies pee and bowel movements
Chart feedings throughout the night
Report a quick recap to parents before leaving
Burping and changing baby (for both breastfed and bottle fed babies)
Swaddle and soothe your baby throughout the night
Breastfeeding assistance / guidance
Giving your baby their bath or a sponge bath
Washing and sterilizing bottles
Post circumcision care
Washing and sterilizing breast pump and accessories